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Rabu, Mei 20, 2009

Building RCP Eclipse

mau nulis pake bahasa indonesia aja dech... capek pake ingris :D. hehehe... di buat variasi aja :D. kali ini saya mau nulis gimana cara buat RCP pada eclipse. kita bisa membuat sebuah aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan plugin-plugin yang di sediakan eclipse.

cara membuat nya sbb :

- yang perlu di siapkan pertama adalah eclipsnya. download eclipse versi RCP "Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers".

-Setelah itu ekstrak dan jalankan eclipse

- pilih menu File-> New Project. dari list pilih "Plug-In Project".

- berikan nama sesuka anda terus klik next

- pastikan ada memilih yes pada pilihan Rich Client application

- terus pilih aja helloWorld untuk coba-coba aja

- abis itu udah klik2 next aja terus

- setelah selesai. akan ada satu project baru. project RCP kita :D.

- untuk menjalankan project buka file plugin.xml atau manifest.imf. pada tab overview klik launch an eclipse aplication. atau bisa klik kanan pada plugin.xml terus run as -> eclipse aplication

- seharunya jadinya seperti ini

Kamis, Mei 14, 2009

Developing WebService using Netbeans

Creating webservice using netbeans is very simple an easy. for my documentation only.. this is step by step creating webservice
  • Create your web aplication project by select File->New Project. and then choose Web Aplication
  • after you create your web aplication. you can add web service to your web aplication by select File->New File. and then choose Web Service.
  • give name for your web service and package. and then finish
  • Open your WebService in WebServices Directory.
  • in the design view you can add your method and in the code view you can code your own code :D.
  • then undeploy & deploy your web aplication
  • you can test your webservice by select your web service. then right click, choose Test WebService.
  • Finish :D.

Jumat, Mei 08, 2009

Titi Kamal ft Anji Drive - Resah Tanpamu

sayang aku tahu
kita tak banyak bicara
kau jauh disana
ku menyimpan tanya

sayang aku tahu
kita tak banyak bertemu
namun hanya kamu
yang ada di hati

jangan sampai kau lukai hatiku
aku resah lalui waktu tanpamu
jangan sampai kau ragukan cintaku
aku takkan membuatmu terluka
meragu… percayalah…

sayang aku mau kita
‘kan slalu menyatu
walau kadang rindu
menyiksa batinku

sayang aku mau
jangan pernah kau meragu
walau aku jauh
hatiku untukmu

jangan sampai kau ragukan cintaku
aku takkan membuatmu terluka
meragu… percayalah…

repeat reff [4x]

Kamis, Mei 07, 2009

Tuban ( why called tuban ?)

Raden Parah was the son of the king of majapahit. his father give him a a forest name Glagahwangi. Raden patah make the forest to be came kadipaten(governor). known as Kadipaten Demak Bintara. Kadipaten demak become much bigger, some of kadipaten join with him. Raden patah also get support from wali songo. so kadipaten demak become bigger and then became a kingdom.

some of time. Raden patah hear thah majapahit was attacked by Giriwardhana from daha kingdom. his father who was the king of majapahit was run away. Raden patah become angry, then he attack Giriwardhana. wali songo also supported his decision. Raden patah can easily defeat Giriwardhana.

Raden Patah collect all the valuable objects and sacred objects in the Majapahit brought to Demak. all objects have been bring it to the train. except 2 large living stone. Then ask Raden patah to his guardian "I want to carry two stones also, consider who is able to bring these two stones?". "Sorry Raden certainly we can not able to bring the two miles to the Demak, Demak to travel so far" said wali songo. Let ask two crane to help us.

Sorry crane! we need your help to bring these two stones to Demak. i hope you can help us. God certainly will record the deed charity, said wali songo. Wali songo also told the two soldiers laying stone on the back crane. The two birds fly immediately to the Demak Bintara.

when they come on the field. The rancher saw two bird bring the stone in his back."hey look it over! have two tails crane that strange." "Yes, the flight is very slow like a turtle" said of another rancher.

The crane are angry, and immediately try to fly faster. but the result is not to fast but both wings are tired. then they fall like a rocket because fatigue. Then finally they throw the stone, in his back so that they didn't fall.When the rock fell, the shepherd cried "Watu Tiban (rock fall)! Tiban Watu". The cry of the shepherd is heard many people, so that events are spread and where to go into a lot of people talking. Watu Tiban can be in short tu-ban, and finally the place called TUBAN

The two stone who became legend was still exist. in the stone there is a hand writing said "1400 saka", and it is still store in the museum kambang putih. not far from the Alun-Alun Tuban city and the Sunan Bonang.

Rabu, Mei 06, 2009

Ya Allahj

Ya allah,
hamba mengadu lagi di hadapan engkau
hanya engkau tempatku mengadu
tolonglah hambamu ini ya rachman

jangan engkau bawa pergi
jangan engkau pisahkan
kembalikanlah seperti dulu lagi
di saat tertawa riang

Ya Rabbi
Ampunilah hamba
Tolonglah hamba
Hamba hanya bisa berharap kepada engkau